
17 Apr 2013 22:55 GMT

To Arnold & Admin1: I'd like to suggest that table 1 & 3 be combined with the default sort being the points (3) column. The top 4 players are unchanged in this format. Second, I'd suggest that tables 2 & 4 be combined with the same arrangement - points first, then raw number. If you are looking for some overall champion summary, I'd suggest adding the current points in tables 3 & 4 MAY be valid. Some sort of weighting factor is needed since points for winning seems to be 2x points for finishing. Perhaps 2x[pts(general)] + pts(1 place). The statistic "Avg points per level" (4b) is interesting because it attempts to show how many competitors one has on each puzzle. I'd like to see the same calculation for tables 1 & 3 combined.
17 Apr 2013 21:35 GMT

To Labuxiere: Congrats on being the first to break the 10,000 mark! I wonder how many keystrokes it took. Have you worn the labels off your arrow keys???
17 Apr 2013 18:57 GMT

to admin1: To be sure... I suppose that in your formula R1, R2, R3 and R4 are positions, R2b and R4b are values.
17 Apr 2013 18:16 GMT

to admin1: I think your formula is better indeed (cause the two b-columns are related to a-ratings).
17 Apr 2013 17:22 GMT

to Arnold: the idea is good, but I propose another formula: (R1 + R2*R2b + R3 + R4*R4b)/4. R2b and R4b are not the ratings by itself, they only show the "quality" of values in columns R2 and R4.
17 Apr 2013 16:02 GMT

to admin1: The four champions-tables we have now together contain six rating-columns: 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4a and 4b. It would be a nice addition to have an extra summary-table with average position per player. For example, my average position out of six at this moment would be: (16+5+10+8+8+19)/6=11. Good idea?
15 Apr 2013 22:55 GMT

To jormawitick: Yes, there are some levels with this 1-step toplist entrys... I think it was a bug from the older website-version, but now it's no longer possible. To Admin1: can you fix this toplists? :D
15 Apr 2013 09:29 GMT

Is that new thing, called "unsolved levels". Thats great. You can go right ahead to play all levels, that you missed before. Thanks. (do I understand it right)
15 Apr 2013 09:08 GMT

to admin1: Thanks for adding new column! As I presumed, luyan has highest average... unbeatable!
15 Apr 2013 06:30 GMT

To Admin1 or anyone: What this level (Erim Sever - erim 81)means, how is it possible move just one move? I seen this kind of levels somewhere else too. Beats me.

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